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Infographic: Definition, Types & Best Practices For 2022

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Brands and entrepreneurs in different industries prefer using visuals in websites and articles.

They avoid lengthy content, data, or information because it’s unappealing.

They want to move on to the next thing.

Articles with infographics attract more web clicks and traffic.

Infographics elevate and make your content more visible and appealing to users.

But how can you create and make the most out of infographics?

Read on to learn more about them.

What Is an Infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of data.

The graphics help you present information using various designs and illustrations.

You can break down lengthy blogs or content to mix up your content and keep the reader’s expectations.

Difference Between an Infographic and a Diagram

Both infographics and diagrams are visual representations.

Yet, infographics focus on several images to tell a story.

They create a pattern in which a user can understand your intentions.

Diagrams are single and isolated images with messages for the reader.

What Is the Purpose of an Infographic?

Infographics tell a story to capture the reader’s attention.

They enhance how the reader perceives and understands your information.

You can summarize important information through graphs, tables, charts, or statistical data.

It creates a seamless flow of information in your content to promote your brand and products.

Why Are Infographics Important?

Infographics provide new and attractive ways of presentation.

They break down complex information and data for your consumers to understand.

Also, it’s a modern method of promoting consumer engagement and trust.

Consumers remember visuals more than what they read in blog content or articles.

Thus, use infographics to promote your content and products.

Add it to your visual marketing strategy to boost your brand results.

It increases your brand awareness and presence in the market.

Benefits of Infographics

Here are some benefits of using infographics:

  • Helps in comparisons of different data.
  • Simplifies complex processes.
  • Provides a quick summary and overview of a topic.
  • Displays statistics, data, and findings.

Common Types of Infographics

The right content strategy boosts your blog’s impact. Improve your blog using well-toned and colored images to improve your content quality.

Don’t rush to colorful graphics without looking at the blog’s impact.

Using the wrong kind of image confuses your readers.

It makes them lose interest in your website, blog, or products.

Learn about these types of infographics.

1. Informational Infographics

Informational infographics communicate specific pieces of information.

It could be new or seasonal intel on the blog.

The visuals help the consumers to understand these concepts.

2. Statistical Infographics

Statistical infographics present detailed data.

They use numbers as percentages to analyze and give meaning to your content.

3. Process/How-To Infographics

Process infographics display a step-by-step procedure using images, charts, and text.

Each sub-section has an image with information that connects it to other steps in the process.

4. Interactive Infographics

Interactive infographics engage the reader to click or scroll through images to complete other tasks.

It increases engagement and interaction with the consumers.

In turn, it improves their content understanding.

What Types of Infographics Are Most Popular?

The most common types of infographics are process, statistical, and informational.

These infographics help you to capture your reader’s attention.

The images break down complex concepts, stats, data, and information.

Also, they engage your readers to build a connection and liking to your brand.

Examples of Infographics

Every industry uses infographics to promote different brands.

Check out these infographic examples.

1. Healthcare Infographics

Healthcare professionals, bodies, and facilities use infographics to teach and inform consumers.

Healthcare experts represent their information using informational, statistical, and how-to infographics.

Informational graphics illustrate how people contract different illnesses like HIV/AIDs.

These simple yet comprehensive diagrams help you understand the health risks.

Readers don’t have to go through lengthy content to understand what you wish to say.

It also simplifies information like systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

This simplicity increases the reader’s understanding of the health terms and jargon.

Statistical infographics in healthcare illustrate statistical data collected by their experts.

You can show diagnostic results from the data collected.

This data explains the prevalence of certain diseases in your area.

The charts, pictorial graphs, or tables help the readers understand the data.

Using patterns or colored effects further enhances the explanations.

How-to infographics in health show the reader how to handle different tasks.

The how-to chart for washing hands during COVID helped people learn how to wash their hands well.

Using these images reaches out to and educates more people.

2. Technology Infographics

Tech infographics use information and how-to infographics.

Most electronics come with a process pictorial explaining the installation process.

Technology equipment has information graphics explaining the dos and don’ts when using them.

Infographic Ideas & Inspiration

Getting inspiration for your infographic is crucial.

It helps you get the right impact and reception from your readers.

Track and analyze the current infographic trends and data from professional and social platforms.

You’ll understand what brings them success.

Then, you can use these methods to modify your infographics.

Where To Find Ideas & Inspiration for Infographics

When looking for your infographic ideas and inspiration, start internally.

Consider the types of blog content you want to present.

Investigate social media and other trends in the market. These trends show you which images capture people’s attention.

Look at how you want to tell your story, outline, and objectives.

Remember, content is king—low-quality content results in a poor-quality infographic.

Go for images and information that evoke the right emotions and provoke understanding.

Animated infographics are a brilliant way of capturing human data and stats.

Use patterns and colors for the right dramatic effect.

It captures the reader’s attention.

It makes it more memorable than using charts or graphs.

How Do I Get Infographics?

Create your infographics using pre-installed templates.

Or use marketing experts to develop your infographics.

If you decide to DIY your infographics, use free or paid templates on the internet.

Sites like Canva and Piktochart provide useful templates when creating your infographics.

How To Create an Infographic

A good infographic stems from your interests and goals.

Express your vision and purpose to get good results.

Align these goals to your plans.

Consider the market characteristics to create an image with the right impact.

Process of Creating an Infographic

Use these steps to learn how to make an infographic:

  • State your infographic goals.
  • Discuss your infographic ideas before finalizing a final design.
  • Gather appropriate details and come up with the infographic type.
  • Identify a program to create the infographic.

How To Create an Infographic

An infographic follows the same outline as how to write a blog post.

To make a good infographic, pay attention to these critical steps.

  1. State your infographic goals.
  2. Ask yourself these questions to set your infographic goals.
  3. What is your target audience?
  4. Which information do you intend to project?
  5. What’s your goal with the information portrayed?
  6. How does the infographic impact your target audience?

These questions help you develop a brief guide for the process.

You might stumble during the process if you can’t find convincing answers to any of these questions.

The questions also give you focus and purpose when creating.

Discuss Your Infographic Ideas Before Finalizing a Final Design

Once you have your outline, brainstorm ideas with your team.

Share new ideas to refine your current action plan.

Get the stats from the marketing and design team to know how to maximize your brand’s strength.

Poach ideas from social media platforms that make a younger target audience tick.

Gather Appropriate Details and Come Up With the Infographic Type

After the design, decide on the information details.

You should have factual and relevant data.

The type of infographic you choose should drive the details.

It should be attractive but elevate the message you want to put across.

Consider colors, patterns, and arrangement in the picture to avoid overshadowing your message.

Identify a Program To Create the Infographic

Finally, find a program that combines the above data into a single infographic.

There are different templates on the internet to use.

The most common programs are Canva, Visme, Piktochart, and Crello.

Infographic Best Practices

Creating an infographic depends on your creativity and the manipulation of your tool.

Here are some tips on making the best infographics.

Best Practices for Infographics

First, understand what you want to relay to your consumers.

Comprehensive keyword research can improve your infographic design.

It should have a ripple effect in the field.

1. Value Simplicity and Clarity

Have a simple and clear message on your graphics.

But simplicity doesn’t mean you should hold off on your creativity.

Avoid overworking your infographic with a lot of information and items.

Look for design and market solutions that accommodate your imagination.

Your creativity should allow you to explore the limits yet hold on to your infographic’s core.

2. Mind the Colors and Fonts You Choose

Your target audience and purpose should dictate your font and color.

Your layout, font, and color make your infographic unique and appealing.

Use color generator tools to refine your choice.

These tools can also streamline your infographic color scheme.

Identify tweaks and improvements you can make to make your image stand out.

3. Your Success Depends on Your Creativity and Tools

Learn how to use infographic tools like Canva.

Infographic tools are easy to use to develop your images.

But it would help if you learned how to add different icons and elements to spice up your image.

You can change your work before the final production with data visualization tools.

Learn how to incorporate icons to make your image livelier and more relevant to the consumer.

Try out different combinations to make your image more vibrant and inviting.

Infographic Tools To Save Time and Money

Infographic tools help you to realize your vision.

It uses your picture’s information, design, and type of infographic for your final image.

You don’t have to hire a professional designer for the job, but you can consult with them.

It saves you time and money while maintaining high-quality results.

What Is an Infographic Tool?

Infographic tools are online programs designed to help you with your visual creations.

You can easily find these tools, which makes them the go-to option for most designers.

Our Favorite Infographic Tools

Check out these recommended infographic tools.

1. Canva

Canva is a common infographic tool that’s free and easy to use.

It has various fonts and templates that you can custom-make with your details.

It doesn’t need any prior training or knowledge.

Professionals can access advanced features on the paid Pro version.

2. Graphic Design Software

Graphic design software is one of the professional designers’ most common tools.

Software like Adobe tools creates unique and appealing designs.

Some features in this software are free for a limited period, and you don’t have to pay to use them.

Advanced features are payable monthly.

Explore your options with this software for better graphics content.

3. Infographic Makers

Infographic makers have both free and pay-to-use options.

They’re perfect for amateurs and professionals.

Other Related Content Types to Check Out

Check out other blogs or types of content you can use to build your portfolio.

They also increase your options on the things to write about to improve digital content.

  • Listicle: Use a listicle when you want to present your thoughts and ideas using a list. It is an article containing an array of items offered in list form.
  • Media Content: Media content is a digital space with several forms of data and information. It has images, sounds, videos, webinars, podcasts, and chat rooms. Consumers can then know your product’s information and news.
  • Animated Infographics: Animated infographics bring your designs to life. Create a video from your infographics using an animated infographic tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding infographics and their importance to your brand are crucial to your success.

These are the most common FAQs on infographics.

What makes a good infographic?

A good infographic should appeal to, inform, and educate the consumer.

Your research, design, and creation should impact the consumer and your brand.

You must understand the consumers’ needs and how your information promotes your brand.

Can I make an infographic in Microsoft Word?

It’s possible to make an infographic in Ms. Word. But, you’ll fall short in many aspects.

You can’t achieve the design and creativity you get on other infographic tools.

You’ll have to work harder to get the right design and text combinations.

Wrapping Up

Infographics allow people to grasp simple concepts and ideas using images.

Using infographics in your visual marketing pushes your brand to new marketing levels.

It increases your visibility and attaches memories and relevance to your brand.

Use infographics to improve your business and financial stats.

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